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Bi nad bhall de Friends of the Broadway Prestwick!
Geall do thaic don phròiseact againn agus do àm ri teachd Broadway le bhith a’ soidhnigeadh agus a’ faighinn raon farsaing de shochairean a’ toirt a-steach ar cuairt-litir mhìosail The Broadway Bugle, tiogaidean lasaichte tachartasan, taisbeanaidhean bònas buill a-mhàin an seo air an làrach-lìn oifigeil againn, agus mòran a bharrachd!
Tapadh leibh airson ur taic!
Ma tha thu nad bhall mu thràth cliog an seo gus taisbeanaidhean bonus sònraichte fhaicinn!
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0£ÂFree and available from the ages of 12 to 17 for all living outside the KA9 postcode area.Free Plan- Discounted event tickets
- The Broadway Bugle newsletter
- Online bonus exhibits
Feuch an cliog thu an seo gus teirmichean is cumhaichean ar ballrachd fhaicinn!
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