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Donate to Friends of the Broadway Prestwick!

Help us push forward with our project and bring back our beautiful building for the benefit of our communities.

There are two ways to donate! You can either donate funds directly to us via the form below, or donate items to be sold on our official eBay store, in a new fundraising initiative to generate essential income for the Broadway's core operating costs until our first phase of restoration is completed.

Or, why not browse the store and purchase an item!

We so greatly appreciate any contribution you can make towards the project and we thank you for doing your part towards bringing the Broadway back to the community!


We are delighted to announce an official Broadway eBay store to help fundraise for the project!

We are currently open to donations of any items you may have at home, that you would be willing to pass on to help support and protect the Broadway. Take a look in your attics, sheds, and garages, and get in touch! We are currently prioritising the following categories of items:

  • Hi-Fi equipment

  • ​Video cassette recorders

  • Video games and consoles

  • Speakers and audio gear

  • Binoculars and telescopes

  • Valve amplifiers

  • Valve radios

  • Film cameras

  • Film projectors

  • Electronic test equipment

  • Watches

  • Artwork

  • Collectables

  • Musical instruments

If you have any potential donations please get in touch below!


Help us bring back the Broadway!


If you would like to Gift Aid your donation please complete the section below.

Thank you for your donation!

Choose to Gift Aid your Donation!

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate!

Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.

Primary Logo (White).png

In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick the box below:

Gift Aid.png

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the
current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Thank you for choosing to Gift Aid your donation!

Please notify Friends of the Broadway Prestwick if you would like to:

  • cancel this declaration

  • change your name or home address

  • no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains

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