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School of Rock

DiD, 04 Lùna


The 65 Club

Are you ready to rock? Jack Black's iconic School of Rock is coming to Prestwick this Prestfest! The Broadway Stereophonic Sound System will be turned up to 11, as with a guitar in our hands and rock in our hearts, we will be ready to give it everything we've got!

School of Rock
School of Rock

Time & Location

04mh Lùna 2024, 15:00 – 17:30

The 65 Club, 65 Main St, Prestwick KA9 1JN, UK

About the event

This year the Broadway is participating in Prestfest for the very first time! With a programme of pop-up cinema showings at the 65 Club on Prestwick Main Street, the Broadway Stereophonic Sound System will be unleashed for four fantastic performances!

On Saturday 3rd August we open with Runrig: The Last Dance, the official film of the iconic band's Farewell Concert. Then on Sunday 4th, we start the day with Disney musical heart-warmer Encanto, before a matinee of the noughties classic starring Jack Black, School of Rock. We then close the event on Sunday evening with a blockbuster hit as the king of rock and roll returns to Prestwick after his visit in 1960, with 2022's hit 'Elvis'.

Entry is free for all patrons throughout the weekend with no tickets or registration required. All four showings are 'continuous performances' meaning you can come and go as you please! Stay for the full feature, or drop in and enjoy the music at your leisure whilst enjoying the festivities. A full concessions offering will be available before and during the films, with our finale Elvis featuring an intermission on Sunday evening.

Donations are welcome with all contributions going straight back to our project and the Broadway's upcoming restoration. We would like to thank Film Hub Scotland for funding to make the event possible, our partners at Indy Cinema Group, and all the organising team at Prestfest for including us in their programme. It's shaping up to be a spectacular weekend and we can't wait to see you there!

Thank you for your support!

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  • atharraich d’ ainm no do sheòladh dachaigh

  • nach pàigh thu cìs gu leòr tuilleadh air do theachd a-steach agus/no buannachdan calpa

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