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Doors Open Days 2024

DiD, 15 Sult



Join us in the foyer for Doors Open Days 2024! Featuring a special programme including history presentations and virtual walkthroughs of the building, 35mm projection demonstrations and workshops, and an exclusive first look at Phase One concept designs for the Broadway Cinema of the future!

Doors Open Days 2024
Doors Open Days 2024

Time & Location

15mh Sult 2024, 09:00 – 17:00

Prestwick, 80 Main St, Prestwick KA9 1PA, UK

About the event

Welcome to Doors Open Days 2024 at the Broadway Cinema!

We are delighted to take part in the nationwide event for the first time since 2021, with a packed programme of presentations and demonstrations for you to enjoy! With the upper regions of the building still unsafe for public access, we are bringing the rest of the building to you virtually with a digital walkthrough of the building on our cinema screen, following a history presentation on the Broadway's glamourous past. We then have an afternoon hosted by our chief projectionist, with demonstrations of 35mm film on our operational Cinemeccanica Victoria 5 projector, providing behind-the-scenes insight to the beating heart of cinema! Then, we have a Broadway exclusive, with the first ever public consultation on our architectural plans for the future! Together with our architects Burrell Foley Fischer, we have developed our first concept designs for what Phase One of the Broadway's restoration could look like. Get to see our plans for the first time at a public event on both days from 3pm, as we paint the picture of the Broadway of the future from within the cinema itself.

The full programme for both days is as follows:

  • 10:00 - 11:30: The History of the Broadway - Presentation ft. virtual walkthrough of the building.
  • 12:00 - 14:00: 35mm Projection Showcase - Trailers, advertisements and daysets by the chief projectionist.
  • 14:30 - 16:00: The Broadway Cinema of the Future - First public consultation of Phase One architectural design concepts

Our photographic bonus exhibit, Other Cinemas of Ayr, Prestwick & Troon, will also be available to view with updated photographs and information of all our former golden age neighbours! We will also bring back past interactive exhibits that will allow you to share your memories of the past, visions for the future, and even your film choices for pop-up screenings over the horizon.

Entry is free across the weekend! There will also be opportunities to get involved and sign-up as a member and even a volunteer. Donations will also be welcome on the day with every penny earned going straight back into the Broadway's restoration and supporting essential maintenance of our beloved cinema in the near-term before our full restoration works can begin.

It's shaping up to be a very special weekend and we can't wait to see you there!

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